In the United States, 81% of women, 43% of men1 and 77% of people out as transgender2have experienced sexual harassment at some point in their lives.
How is this still happening? How do we change the culture and conversation around sexual harassment and assault?
Nobody Wants to See Your Dick was founded in November 2017 in response to the daily headlines of celebrity sexual harassment. Shortly thereafter, Enthusiastic Consent Matters was formed as an all-inclusive parent company. Sexual harassment has become normalized, something we just expect and are expected to accept. In 2018, it shouldn’t be normal. Nobody Wants to See Your Dick and Enthusiastic Consent Matters are dedicated to supporting and promoting non-profits working to eradicate sexual harassment and violence through awareness and education. Keep it zipped.
12018 sexual abuse report
22015 U.S. Transgender Survey Executive Summary (pdf)